skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0006

skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0006

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Kode : EKON0006

Judul : skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0006
analisis pengaruh utang luar negeri (foreign debt) dan penanaman modal asing (PMA) terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia

Daftar Isi :

ABSTRACT; KATA PENGANTAR; DAFTAR ISI; DAFTAR TABEL; DAFTAR GAMBAR; DAFTAR LAMPIRAN; BAB I : PENDAHULUAN; 1.1 Latar Belakang; 1.2 Perumusan Masalah; 1.3 Hipotesis; 1.4 Tujuan dan Manfaat Penelitian; BAB II : URAIAN TEORITIS; 2.1 Tinjauan Teoritis; 2.1.1 Pertumbuhan Ekonomi; 2.1.2 Neraca Pembayaran (Balance of Payment); 2.1.3 Utang Luar Negeri (Foreign Debt); 2.1.4 Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA); 2.2 Kerangka Teoritis; BAB III : METODE PENELITIAN; 3.1 Ruang Lingkup Penelitian; 3.2 Jenis dan Sumber Data; 3.3 Teknik Pengumpulan Data; 3.4 Pengolahan Data; 3.5 Model Analisis; 3.6 Goodness of Fit (Uji Kesesuaian); 3.6.1 Koefisien Determinasi (R2); 3.6.2 T-test (Uji Parsial); 3.6.3 F-statistik (Uji Serempak); 3.7 Uji Asumsi Klasik; 3.7.1 Multikolinearitas; 3.7.2 Autokorelasi; 3.8 Definisi Operasional Variabel; BAB IV : ANALISA DAN PEMBAHASAN; 4.1 Analisis Deskriptif; 4.1.1 Perkembangan Kondisi Makroekonomi Indonesia; 4.1.2 Perkembangan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia; 4.1.3 Perkembangan Utang Luar Negeri (foreign debt) Indonesia; 4.1.4 Perkembangan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) di Indonesia; 4.2 Hasil Evaluasi dan Interpretasi Data; 4.2.1 Pengujian Pengaruh Variabel Bebas Terhadap Variabel Terikat; 4.2.2 Interpretasi Data; 4.2.3 Goodness of Fit Test (Uji Kesesuaian); 4.2.4 Uji Asumsi Klasik; BAB V : KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN; 5.1 Kesimpulan; 5.2 Saran; DAFTAR PUSTAKA; LAMPIRAN.

Abstrak :
Indonesia, as a development country, has a good economic growth in 1990’s. It shows by increasing of GDP year by year, stabilization of inflation, etc. But since 1997’s crisis economic in Asia’s countries, Indonesia’s economic growth had been decrease. It affected the monetary sector and real sector, and added again with progressively the amount of foreign debt of Indonesia so that effect of Rupiah rate which progressively weaken because foreign debt of Indonesia altogether in the form of US Dollar.
This paper will analyze the foreign debt, also foreign capital investment, on the economic growth of Indonesia. By using the OLS model on Indonesia yearly data from X-X and confirm the significant of these independent variable as the factors that affected the economic growth of Indonesia.
Foreign debt and foreign capital investment represent the way of able to be gone through by government in overcoming deficit of national saving utilize to push the national development to get the good economics growth.
Pursuant to things told above, Writer try to study the problem of economic growth in Indonesia in its relation with the foreign debt and foreign capital investment (PMA) by lifting title “Analysis Influence of The Foreign Debt and Foreign Capital investment (PMA) to Economic Growth of Indonesia”.

Indonesia, sebagai negara sedang membangun, memiliki pertumbuhan ekonomi yang bagus di tahun 1990-an. Ini ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan GDP tahun per tahun, stabilitas inflasi, dan sebagainya. Tetapi sejak tahun 1997 krisis ekonomi yang melanda negara-negara Asia, pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia mengalami penurunan. Itu berakibat pada sektor moneter dan sektor riil, dan ditambah lagi dengan semakin meningkatnya jumlah utang luar negeri Indonesia sebagai akibat dari nilai tukar rupiah yang semakin terus menurun karena utang luar negeri Indonesia seluruhnya dalam bentuk Dollar Amerika.
Tulisan ini akan menganalisa pengaruh utang luar negeri dan penanaman modal asing, terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan model kuadrat terkecil (OLS) data tahunan yang diperoleh dari tahun X-X dan yang mana menghasilkan variabel independen yang berpengaruh nyata dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia.
Utang luar negeri dan penanaman modal asing merupakan salah satu cara yang ditempuh oleh pemerintah Indonesia guna mengatasi defisit tabungan nasional yang mana dapat mendorong pembangunan nasional untuk mendapatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang baik.
Berdasarkan hal-hal yang dikemukakan diatas, Penulis mencoba untuk membahas masalah pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia dalam hubungannya dengan utang luar negeri (foreign debt) dan penanaman modal asing (PMA) dengan mengangkat judul “Analisis Pengaruh Utang Luar Negeri (Foreign Debt) dan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia”.
skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0005

skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0005

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Kode : EKON0005

Judul : skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0005
analisis pengaruh pemberian kredit terhadap pendapatan pedagang kecil PD. BPR X Cabang X Kabupaten X

Daftar Isi :

HALAMAN JUDUL; INTISARI; HALAMAN PENGESAHAN PEMBIMBING SKRIPSI; HALAMAN PERSETUJUAN TEAM PENGUJI SKRIPSI; HALAMAN MOTTO DAN KATA PERSEMBAHAN; HALAMAN KATA PENGANTAR; HALAMAN DAFTAR ISI; HALAMAN DAFTAR TABEL; HALAMAN DAFTAR GAMBAR; BAB I : PENDAHULUAN; A. Latar Belakang Masalah; B. Perumusan Masalah; C. Tujuan dan Kegunaan Penelitian; D. Kerangka Pemikiran; E. Definisi Operasional Terhadap Variabel Yang Digunakan; F. Anggapan Dasar dan Hipotesis; G. Metode Penelitian; BAB II : LANDASAN TEORITIS; A. Modal Dalam Perusahaan; B. Perkreditan; BAB III : GAMBARAN UMUM PD. BPR X CABANG X KABUPATEN X; A. Sejarah Berdirinya Perusahaan; B. Tujuan Badan Kecamatan; C. Jangkauan Wilayah Kerja; D. Struktur Organisasi Badan Kredit Kecamatan; E. Operasional; F. Sumber Daya Manusia; G. Data Hasil Penelitian; BAB IV : ANALISIS DATA DAN PEMBAHASAN; A. Deskripsi Data; B. Analisis Data Yang Digunakan; BAB V : KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN; A. Kesimpulan; B. Saran-saran; DAFTAR PUSTAKA; LAMPIRAN.

Abstrak :

Menurut Undang – undang No. 7/1992 menyebutkan bahwa bank adalah badan usaha yang menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk simpanan menyalurkan kepada masyarakat dalam rangka meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat banyak. Dengan melihat pentingnya kredit di tingkat Kecamatan maka penulis ingin membahas perkreditan di tingkat kecamatan tersebut. Dan berdasarkan pertimbangan di atas penyusun memilih judul “Analisis Pengaruh Pemberian Kredit Terhadap Pendapatan Pedagang Kecil PD. BPR X Cabang X Kabupaten X”.
Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah tersebut maka diajukan beberapa masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Seberapa besar pengaruh besarnya kredit pasaran (x1) terhadap pendapatan pedagang kecil ?, Seberapa besar pengaruh besarnya kredit mingguan (x2) terhadap pendapatan pedagang kecil ?, Seberapa besar pengaruh besarnya kredit bulanan (x3) terhadap pendapatan pedagang kecil ?
Berdasarkan analisa data yang telah diolah, maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut :
(1) Regresi Linier Untuk Kredit Pasaran adalah Y = 40.250 + 0,951x1, Analisis Regresi Linier Untuk Kredit Mingguan Y = - 27.137 + 1,358x2, Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda Kredit Bulanan Y = -22.146 + 1,244x3 (2). Korelasi Product Moment antara kredit pasaran (X1), kredit mingguan (X2) dan kredit bulanan terhadap pendapatan pedagang kecil (Y) mempunyai hubungan sangat kuat terbukti :
- Hasil rxly kredit pasaran (X1) sebesar 0,986
- Hasil rxly kredit mingguan (X2) sebesar 0,936
- Hasil rxly kredit bulanan (X3) sebesar 0,922
(3). Uji T antara kredit pasaran (X1), kredit mingguan (X2) dan kredit bulanan (X3) ada pengaruh terhadap pendapatan pedagang kecil (Y) maka Ho ditolak terbukti diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut :
- Kredit pasaran t hitung = 31.761 > t tabel = 2.048
- Kredit mingguan t hitung = 14.0327 > t tabel = 2.048
- Kredit bulanan t hitung = 12.635 > t tabel = 2.048
(4). Uji – F diperoleh f-hitung sebesar 1.112.491, yang berarti F-hitung = 1.112.491 > 4,00 (F tabel) maka Ho ditolak, yang berarti secara bersama-sama kredit pasaran (X1), kredit mingguan (X2) dan kredit bulanan (X3) mempunyai pengaruh terhadap pendapatan pedagang kecil (y).
skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0004

skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0004

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Kode : EKON0004

Judul : skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0004
analisis pengaruh dana perimbangan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan disparitas pendapatan antar daerah pasca desentralisasi fiskal di Indonesia

Daftar Isi :

ABSTRAK; ABSTRACT; KATA PENGANTAR; DAFTAR ISI; DAFTAR TABEL; DAFTAR GRAFIK DAN GAMBAR; BAB I : PENDAHULUAN; 1.1 Latar Belakang; 1.2 Identifikasi Masalah; 1.3 Maksud dan Tujuan Penelitian; 1.4 Manfaat Penelitian; 1.5 Kerangka Pemikiran; 1.5.1 Konsep Desentralisasi Fiskal dan Dana Perimbangan (Intergovernmental Transfer); 1.5.2 Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Disparitas Pendapatan Antar Daerah di Indonesia; 1.6 Metode Penelitian; 1.6.1 Ruang Lingkup Penelitian; 1.6.2 Metode Pengumpulan Data; 1.6.3 Metode Analisis; 1.6.4 Hipotesa; 1.6.5 Pengujian Statistik; BAB II : TINJAUAN PUSTAKA; 2.1 Teori Desentralisasi dan Keuangan Pusat dan Daerah; 2.1.1 Pengertian dan Konsep Desentralisasi; 2.1.2 Pengertian dan Konsep Dana Perimbangan; 2.1.3 Tinjauan Umum Perimbangan Keuangan Pusat dan Daerah; (Tinjauan UU No. 25/1999 dan UU No. 33/2004); 2.2 Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Disparitas Pendapatan Antar Daerah; 2.2.1 Pengertian Pertumbuhan Ekonomi; 2.2.2 Pengertian Disparitas Pendapatan Antar Daerah; 2.3 Tinjauan Empiris (Penelitian tentang Desentralisasi Fiskal); 2.3.1 Penelitian Desentralisasi Fiskal di Amerika Serikat dan; China; 2.3.2 Penelitian Desentralisasi Fiskal di Indonesia; BAB III : OBJEK PENELITIAN; 3.1 Laju Pertumbuhan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto; 3.2 Gini Ratio; 3.3 Dana Bagi Hasil; 3.4 Dana Alokasi Umum; 3.5 Dana Alokasi Khusus; 3.6 Tingkat Pendidikan; 3.7 Pendapatan Asli Daerah; BAB IV : HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN; 4.1 Metode Estimasi Model; 4.2 Analisis Hasil Regresi; 4.2.1 Model I : Pengaruh Desentralisasi Fiskal terhadap; Pertumbuhan Ekonomi; 4.2.2 Model II : Pengaruh Desentralisasi Fiskal terhadap; Disparitas Pendapatan Antar Daerah; 4.3 Analisis Statistik; 4.3.1 Uji Koefisien Determinasi; 4.3.2 Uji Parsial (t-stat); 4.3.3 Uji Keseluruhan (F-stat); 4.3.4 Uji Autokorelasi; 4.4 Analisis Ekonomi; 4.4.1 Analisis Ekonomi Model Pertumbuhan Ekonomi; 4.4.2 Analisis Ekonomi Model Disparitas Pendapatan; Antar Daerah; 4.4.3 Kesimpulan Analisis Ekonomi; BAB V : KESIMPULAN; DAFTAR PUSTAKA; LAMPIRAN.

Abstrak :

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pengaruh dana perimbangan yang merupakan inti dari pemberlakuan desentralisasi fiskal terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan disparitas pendapatan antar daerah di Indonesia pada periode tahun X. Penelitian menggunakan analisis panel data dengan model regresi fixed effect dan metode Generalized Least Square (GLS).
Dana perimbangan terdiri dari dana bagi hasil pajak, dana bagi hasil sumber daya alam, dana alokasi umum, dan dana alokasi khusus. Implikasi dari financial sharing, pemerintah pusat memberikan bagi hasil pajak dan bagi hasil sumber daya alam pada daerah yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi ketimpangan vertikal. Distribusi sumber daya alam dan pajak tidak merata di semua daerah. Oleh sebab itu, pemerintah pusat memberikan dana alokasi umum yang bertujuan untuk fiscal equalizations dan mengurangi kesenjangan antar daerah. Pemerintah pusat juga memberikan dana alokasi khusus pada daerah yang dianggap kurang mampu membiayai kegiatannya dari penerimaan daerahnya sendiri.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Kebijakan desentralisasi fiskal di Indonesia mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah tetapi nilai pertumbuhan yang dihasilkan relatif rendah. (2) Dana bagi hasil pajak meningkatkan disparitas antar daerah sedangkan dana alokasi umum yang berfungsi sebagai pemerata fiskal belum berpengaruh dalam meminimalisasi disparitas pendapatan antar daerah.

The main objective of this study is to determine the effect of intergovernmental transfer which is the main of fiscal decentralization on economic growth and region income disparity in Indonesia at period from year X. This study used panel data analysis with fixed effect regression model and Generalized Least Square (GLS) method.
Intergovernmental transfer contains tax revenue sharing, natural resources revenue sharing, general allocation fund, and specific allocation fund. The implication of financial sharing, central government grant tax revenue sharing and natural resources revenue sharing for region to minimize vertical imbalance. Natural resources and tax distribution in all region was not equal. Hence, central government grant general allocation fund for fiscal equalizations and minimize region disparity. Central government also give specific allocation fund to region which can not afford the activity from their own revenues.
The results of this study are: (1) Fiscal decentralization policy in Indonesia gives a strong effect on region economic growth but the growth value is relatively small. (2) Tax revenue sharing increase region income disparity, while general allocation fund for fiscal equalizations not yet effects in minimizing region income disparity.
skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0003

skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0003

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Kode : EKON0003

Judul : skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0003
analisis network planning dengan CPM (Critical Path Method) dalam rangka efisiensi waktu dan biaya proyek pembangunan jalan segi tiga ujung batu (studi kasus pada CV. X)

Daftar Isi :

BAB I : PENDAHULUAN; 1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah; 1.2 Rumusan Masalah; 1.3 Tujuan dan Manfaat Penelitian; 1.3.1 Tujuan Penelitian; 1.3.2 Manfaat Penelitian; BAB II : TINJAUAN PUSTAKA; 2.1 Hasil Penelitian Terdahulu; 2.2 Tinjauan Teori; 2.2.1 Tinjauan Singkat Tentang Manajemen Proyek; 2.2.2 Pengertian Network Planning; 2.2.3 Penyusunan Diagram Network; 2.2.4 Konsep Tentang Jalur Kritis; 2.2.5 Kelebihan Metode CPM/PERT; 2.2.5 Pengertian Efisiensi Waktu dan Biaya; 2.2.6 Persamaan dan Perbedaan PERT dan CPM; 2.3 Kerangka Konseptual; BAB III : METODOLOGI PENELITIAN; 3.1 Jenis, Lokasi dan Waktu Penelitian; 3.1.1 Jenis Penelitian; 3.1.2 Lokasi Penelitian; 3.1.3 Waktu Penelitian; 3.2 Operasionalisasi Variabel; 3.3 Metode Pengumpulan Data; 3.3.1 Jenis Data; 3.3.2 Teknik Pengumpulan Data; 3.4 Metode Analisis; BAB IV : PENUTUP; 4.1 Kesimpulan; 4.2 Saran; DAFTAR PUSTAKA.

Sekilas Isi :
Dampak krisis moneter sampai pada saat ini masih sangat dirasakan oleh bangsa Indonesia. Berbagai permasalahan yang semakin kompleks menjadikan perekonomian di Indonesia menjadi semakin tidak stabil. Hal ini mendorong setiap perusahaan untuk dapat lebih meningkatkan potensi sumber daya-sumber daya yang dimiliki dengan dilengkapi teknologi yang ada, agar perusahaan bisa bertahan dalam persaingan, baik secara regional, nasional, maupun global. Perusahaan yang tidak mampu bersaing akan mengalami kekalahan atau kemerosotan, bahkan banyak diantara perusahaan-perusahaan yang ada di Indonesia mengalami gulung tikar. Hal ini disebabkan karena perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut tidak mampu bersaing dalam berbagai hal, yang diantaranya bersaing dalam waktu dan biaya produksi. Dalam kaitannya dengan waktu dan biaya produksi, perusahaan harus bisa seefisien mungkin dalam penggunaan waktu di setiap kegiatan atau aktivitas, sehingga biaya dapat diminimalkan dari rencana semula.
Proyek merupakan kegiatan sementara yang berlangsung dalam jangka waktu terbatas, dengan alokasi sumber daya tertentu dan bertujuan untuk melaksanakan tugas yang sasarannya telah digariskan dengan jelas. Kegiatan proyek dalam proses mencapai hasil akhirnya dibatasi oleh waktu dan biaya. Berbeda dengan kegiatan operasional, proyek sifatnya dinamis, tidak rutin, multi kegiatan dengan intensitas yang berubah-ubah, serta memiliki siklus yang pendek. Pelaksanaan proyek dalam organisasi pada umumnya dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan khusus, aktivitasnya ditentukan dengan jelas kapan dimulai dan kapan berakhir, serta adanya pembatasan dana untuk menjalankan aktivitas proyek tersebut.
Manajemen proyek adalah perencanaan, pengkoordinasian, dan pengawasan secara teliti menyangkut berbagai macam kegiatan. Manajemen proyek merupakan suatu cabang khusus dalam manajemen. Bidang ini tumbuh dan berkembang karena adanya kebutuhan dalam dunia industri modern untuk mengkoordinasi dan mengendalikan berbagai kegiatan yang kian kompleks. Dalam hal ini manajemen proyek bukanlah satu-satunya contoh ketrampilan yang diciptakan untuk menghadapi tantangan yang diakibatkan oleh perkembangan kegiatan industri. Cara mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup dengan melakukan spesialisasi sesungguhnya bukanlah suatu cara yang khas dalam dunia industri.
Manajemen proyek mempunyai tahapan-tahapan yaitu perencanaan, penjadwalan, dan pengawasan. Manajemen proyek tidak dapat melaksanakan kegiatan proyek sebelum diadakannya perundingan atau kontrak kerja yang merupakan kegiatan yang terjadi diantara pemberi perintah dan pelaksana proyek sehingga ada kesepakatan antara dua belah pihak. Dengan adanya kontrak kerja maka pelaksanaan proyek dapat segera dilaksanakan. Tujuan manajemen proyek adalah melakukan tugas dengan sebaik-baiknya sesuai dengan waktu dan biaya yang telah ditetapkan agar penyelesaian proyek tepat sasaran. Untuk keperluan ini, manajemen proyek dapat menerapkan analisis Network. Analisis Network dapat membantu dalam menyusun perencanaan penyelesaian proyek dengan waktu dan biaya yang paling efisien. Disamping itu, Network dengan metode Critical Path Method (CPM) dan Program Evaluation Review and Technique (PERT) juga dapat dipergunakan sebagai alat pengawasan yang cukup baik untuk penyelesaian proyek.
skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0002

skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0002

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Kode : EKON0002

Judul : skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0002
analisis kualitas pelayanan terhadap loyalitas nasabah pada Bank Mandiri cabang X di kota X

Daftar Isi :

HALAMAN JUDUL; HALAMAN PERSETUJUAN; HALAMAN PENGESAHAN; KATA PENGANTAR; DAFTAR ISI; DAFTAR TABEL; DAFTAR LAMPIRAN; ABSTRAKSI; BAB I : PENDAHULUAN; 1.1 Latar Belakang; 1.2 Rumusan Masalah; 1.3 Tujuan dan Kegunaan penelitian; 1.3.1 Tujuan Penelitian; 1.3.2 Kegunaan Penelitian; 1.4 Sistematika Penulisan; BAB II : TINJAUAN PUSTAKA; 2.1 Pemasaran dan Manajemen Pemasaran; 2.2 Perilaku Konsumen; 2.3 Konsep Jasa; 2.3.1 Karakteristik Jasa; 2.3.2 Kualitas Jasa; 2.3.3 Pengukuran Kualitas Jasa; 2.3.4 Faktor-Faktor yang Menentukan Kualitas Jasa; 2.4 Konsep dan Kualitas Pelayanan; 2.4.1 Pengertian Pelayanan; 2.4.2 Kualitas Pelayanan; 2.5 Loyalitas Konsumen; 2.6 Bank; 2.7 Hipotesis; BAB III : METODE PENELITIAN; 3.1 Tipe Penelitian; 3.2 Jenis dan Sumber Data; 3.3 Teknik Pengumpulan Data; 3.4 Metode Penarikan Sampel; 3.5 Definisi Operasional Variabel; 3.6 Pengujian Instrumen Penelitian; 3.6.1 Skala Pengukuran; 3.6.2 Uji Validitas; 3.6.3 Uji Reliabilitas; 3.7 Uji Asumsi Klasik; 3.8 Metode Analisis; BAB IV : GAMBARAN UMUM PERUSAHAAN; 4.1 Sejarah Singkat; 4.2 Struktur Organisasi; BAB V : HASIL PENELITIAN DAN PEMBAHASAN; 5.1 Uji Instrumen Penelitian; 5.1.1 Uji Validitas; 5.1.2 Uji Reliabilitas; 5.2 Uji Asumsi Klasik; 5.2.1 Uji Multikolinearitas; 5.2.2 Uji Heterokedastisitas; 5.3 Analisis Pengujian Hipotesis; 5.3.1 Pengujian Hipotesis Pertama; 5.3.2 Pengujian Hipotesis Kedua; BAB VI : PENUTUP; 6.1 Kesimpulan; 6.2 Saran-Saran; DAFTAR PUSTAKA; LAMPIRAN.

Abstrak :
Permasalahan dalam penelitian terdiri dari (1) apakah variabel kualitas pelayanan (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy) secara serempak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah pada Bank Mandiri Cabang X ? (2) variabel mana yang relatif lebih dominan berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas nasabah pada Bank Mandiri Cabang X ?
Atas dasar permasalahan tersebut maka diajukan hipotesis penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) variabel kualitas pelayanan (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy) secara serempak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah pada Bank Mandiri Cabang X; (2) variabel assurance relatif lebih dominan berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas nasabah pada Bank Mandiri Cabang X.
Untuk menganalisis permasalahan dan hipotesis tersebut maka digunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil pengujian hipotesis pertama, menyimpulkan bahwa tangible (X1), reliability (X2), responsiveness (X3), assurance (X4), empathy (X5) berpengaruh serempak terhadap loyalitas nasabah pada Bank Mandiri Cabang X, yang dibuktikan dengan nilai Sig F 0.000 < α = 0.05. Sedangkan variabel yang berpengaruh relatif dominan secara signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah pada Bank Mandiri Cabang X adalah variabel assurance (X4) dimana koefisien regresi variabel assurance sebesar 50,2% dan nilai Sig t sebesar 0.000 < α = 0.05, merupakan nilai tertinggi dari keempat variabel lainnya.
skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0001

skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0001

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Kode : EKON0001

Judul : skripsi ekonomi | kode EKON0001
analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tabungan dan investasi swasta di indonesia periode tahun X

Daftar Isi :
ABSTRAK; ABSTRACT; KATA PENGANTAR; DAFTAR ISI; DAFTAR TABEL; DAFTAR GRAFIK; DAFTAR GAMBAR; DAFTAR LAMPIRAN; BAB I : PENDAHULUAN; 1.1 Latar Belakang; 1.2 Identifikasi Masalah; 1.3 Tujuan Penelitian; 1.4 Kegunaan Penelitian; 1.5 Kerangka Pemikiran; 1.5.1 Tabungan; Definisi Tabungan; Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tabungan; 1.5.2 Investasi; Definisi Investasi; Determinan Investasi; 1.6 Metodologi Penelitian; 1.6.1 Ruang Lingkup Penelitian; 1.6.2 Operasionalisasi Variabel; 1.6.3 Metode Analisis; 1.6.4 Pengujian Statistik; Uji Akar-Akar Unit(Unit Roots test); Uji Kointegrasi; Penaksiran Koefisien Determinasi; Uji t-Statistik; Uji F-Statistik; Pengujian Masalah Yang Terjadi dalam Regresi; - Masalah Multikolinier; - Masalah Serial Korelasi; BAB II : TINJAUAN PUSTAKA; 2.1 Definisi Tabungan; 2.2 Teori dan Pemikiran Tentang Tabungan; 2.2.1 Teori J.M. Keynes; 2.2.2 The Life-cycle – Permanent Income Theory of Consumption and Saving; Life-cycle Theory; Permanent Income Theory; 2.2.3 Teori Klasik; 2.2.4 Teori neoklasik; 2.3 Definisi Investasi; 2.3.1 Penanaman Modal Asing; 2.3.2 Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri; 2.4 Teori dan Pemikiran Tentang Investasi; 2.4.1 The Neoclassical theory of Investment Behavior; 2.4.2 Tobin’s q Theory of Investment; 2.4.3 Pandangan Moneteris dan Keynesian tentang Pengeluaran Investasi sektor Swasta; 2.5 Penelitian Empiris Tentang Tabungan dan Investasi; 2.5.1 Penelitian Ipumbu W. Shiimi dan Gerson Kadhikwa; 2.5.2 Penelitian Paul R. Mason, Tamim Bayoumi, dan Hossein Samiei; 2.5.3 Penelitian Mohamad Ikhsan dan M. Chatib Bisri; BAB III : OBJEK PENELITIAN; 3.1 Variabel Terikat; 3.1.1 Tabungan Swasta; 3.1.2 Investasi Swasta; 3.2 Variabel Bebas; 3.2.1 Pendapatan Nasional Disposibel; 3.2.2 Tingkat Suku Bunga Tabungan; 3.2.3 Tingkat Inflasi; 3.2.4 Pendapatan Nasional; 3.2.5 Rasio Investasi Pemerintah Terhadap PDB; 3.2.6 Variabel Dummy Krisis Ekonomi; BAB IV : HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN; 4.1 Uji Akar-akar Unit (Unit Root); 4.2 Estimasi dan Hasil Regresi Model Kointegrasi; 4.2.1 Uji Kointegrasi; 4.2.2 Pengujian Statistik; 4.2.3 Pengujian Masalah dalam regresi Linier Klasik; 4.2.4 Analisis Ekonomi Model Kointegrasi; 4.3 Hasil Regresi Error Correction Model; 4.3.1 Pengujian Statistik; 4.3.2 Pengujian Masalah dalam regresi Linier Klasik; 4.3.3 Analisis Ekonomi Model Dinamis; BAB V : KESIMPULAN; DAFTAR PUSTAKA; LAMPIRAN.

Sekilas Isi :
Dalam perekonomian suatu negara, tabungan dan investasi merupakan indikator yang dapat menentukan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pembangunan ekonomi di negara-negara berkembang (developing countries) termasuk didalamnya pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup tinggi, memiliki dana yang cukup besar. Tetapi di sisi lain, usaha pengerahan sumber dana dalam negeri untuk membiayai pembangunan menghadapi kendala dalam pembentukan modal baik yang bersumber dari penerimaan pemerintah yaitu ekspor barang dan jasa ke luar negeri, ataupun penerimaan pemerintah melalui instrumen pajak.
Krisis ekonomi yang melanda Indonesia pada pertengahan tahun 1997 yang kemudian menjadi krisis multidimensi berdampak kondisi Indonesia secara umum tidak hanya terhadap sektor ekonomi saja. Nilai tukar rupiah yang terdepresiasi sangat tajam, inflasi yang tinggi, menurunnya kepercayaan investor untuk berinvestasi di Indonesia, merupakan beberapa akibat dari krisis ekonomi tersebut. Lambat laun, dengan beberapa kali perubahan struktur politik dan penerapan kebijakan-kebijakan oleh pemerintah, kondisi Indonesia menunjukkan perubahan yang lebih baik dan kondisi perekonomian yang stabil.
Di Indonesia, untuk membiayai pembangunan nasional yang mencakup investasi domestik, sumber dananya dapat bersumber dari tabungan nasional dan pinjaman luar negeri. Namun, karena terbatasnya jumlah dana serta pinjaman yang diperoleh dari luar negeri, maka diperlukan tabungan nasional yang lebih tinggi sebagai sumber dana yang utama.
Perlunya tabungan nasional ini dibuktikan dengan adanya saving-investment gap yang semakin melebar dari tahun ke tahun yang menandakan bahwa pertumbuhan investasi domestik melebihi kemampuan dalam mengakumulasi tabungan nasional. Secara umum, usaha pengerahan modal dari masyarakat dapat berupa pengerahan modal dari dalam negeri maupun dari luar negeri. Pengklasifikasian ini didasarkan pada sumber modal yang dapat digunakan dalam pembangunan. Pengerahan modal yang bersumber dari dalam negeri berasal dari 3 sumber utama , yaitu : pertama, tabungan sukarela masyarakat. Kedua, tabungan pemerintah, dan ketiga tabungan paksa (forced saving or involuntary saving). Sedangkan modal yang berasal dari luar negeri yaitu melalui pinjaman resmi pemerintah kepada lembaga-lembaga keuangan internasional seperti International Monetary Fund (IMF), Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank, maupun pinjaman resmi bilateral dan multilateral, juga melalui foreign direct investment (FDI).
skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0011

skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0011

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Kode : BING0011

Judul : skripsi bahasa inggris – kode BING0011
a study on teaching English using games to the eleventh year students of SMK X

Daftar Isi :

TITLE, MOTTO AND DEDICATION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, TABLE OF CONTENTS, ABSTRACT, CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION, 1.1 Background of the Problem, 1.2 Problem of the Study, 1.3 Purpose of the Research, 1.4 Significance of the study, 1.5 Limitation of the study, 1.6 Definition of Key Term, CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE, 2.1 Speaking, 2.2. Definition Game, 2.3 The Role of Game in Language Program, 2.4 The Role of Teacher, 2.5 Some Techniques are giving in Using Games, 2.6 Some Points of Practical, 2.7 Kinds of Game, CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODS, 3.1 Research Design, 3.2 Location and Time of Research, 3.3 Sample, 3.4 Instrument, 3.4.1 Questionnaire, 3.4.2 Observation, 3.4.3 Interview, 3.5 The Techniques of the Data Collecting, 3.6 The Technique of Data Analysis, 3.7 The Technique of Teaching, CHAPTER IV : RESULT AND DISCUSSION, 4.1 Presentation, 4.2 The Arising Problems, 4.3 The Problem Faced by the Teacher in the Classroom, CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION, 5.1 Conclusion, 5.2 Suggestion, 5.2.1 For the Teacher, 5.2.2 For the Students, BIBLIOGRAPHY.

Abstrak :
As a developing country, Indonesia really needs English and government is trying to improve all aspect which usually faced by all countries. One of those aspects is education, which is essential. The writer as an English teacher to be, has to focus attention to the teaching English as international language.
There are four skills in learning English, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Among those speaking is difficult to master.
Teaching Speaking can be done through games. Kind of games which introduced are Domino Instruction, Sweet reason, What do I need?, a Domino sequences.
The use of Domino Instruction are the first player begins by choosing a card marked (*) and laying it on the table giving an instruction, for example, first, fill the kettle. If player 2 has the picture card showing the next player does not have the next card in the sequence, the turn passes to player 3. If player 2 lays down the wrong card (stage 3 or 4, instead the stage 2). He/she may be challenged by the player with the real stage 2. Player 2 must then back his/her card and the turn passes to the player with the real stage 2.
The use of Sweet Reason are Player 1 chooses C card from the cards he/she holds and reads it out, for example I lit the fire … Any other players can complete the sentence with suitable R card for example… because it was cold.
The use of what do I need? Are place the card faced down in a pale on the table. Send one person out of the room. Take the top card off the pile and look at it. Ask the students to return. He/she must guess what activity is pictured on the card by asking what things are useful or necessary for that activity. The other player must answer his/her question.
The use of dream sequences are the first player chooses any card and lays it down on the table, describing the first event in the dream, for example, I found my self in a garden with huge flowers.
The result of the study of teaching speaking using games were the students got chance to use oral language, by doing the games the students feel relaxed, free and confident in learning English in the classroom. The arising problems during the activities are situation in the classroom was very noisy and crowded. The students’ pronunciation and structure was poor. But the writer could overcome well.
skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0010

skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0010

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Kode : BING0010

Judul : skripsi bahasa inggris – kode BING0010
the influence the of main characters’ conflicts toward plot in Oscar Wilde’s the importance of being earnest

Daftar Isi :
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION, 1.1 Background, 1.2 Objective of the Study, 1.3 Scope of the Study, 1.4 Method, 1.4.1 Method of the Study, 1.4.2 Method of Approach, CHAPTER II : BIOGRAPHY AND SYNOPSIS, 2.1 Biography of Oscar Wilde, 2.2 Synopsis of The Importance of Being Earnest, CHAPTER III : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE, 3.1 Definition of Character and Characterization, 3.2 Definition of Conflict, 3.3 Definition of Plot, CHAPTER IV : THE INFLUENCE OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS’ CONFLICTS TOWARD PLOT IN OSCAR WILDE’S THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST, 4.1 The Main Characters in Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest, 4.2 The Conflicts of the Main Characters, 4.3 The Plot of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest, 4.4 The Influence of The Main Characters’ Conflicts Toward Plot In Oscar Wilde’s, CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION.

Sekilas Isi :
Human beings as one of the three alive-creatures besides animal and plant have a particular ability, which makes him so special, that dominates the others. They are able to adapt, to survive and to analyze the universe phenomenon, which make their quality of life better and better since the past. They have the whole ability because God has granted them brain. Their curiosities are so great that they learn more and more. Besides, something that makes them more special than the others is they know the way to express their feeling, thought, and emotion. Something to provide ‘a place’ for all of the people’s expression is literature.
Literature, according to Moleong as quoted by Spadlex (2000 : 13), is the knowledge which is earned by human beings arise conduct and it is used to reflect and express experience. Another opinion said that literature is one of the great creative and universal means of communicating the emotional, spiritual, or intellectual concerns of mankind (The Encyclopedia of Americana, vol. 22 : 559). It seems that something human being does deals literature, especially in communicating. To communicate to each other may be done by a means, such as by a letter, speaking directly, by phone etc. Even something they wrote or said, no matter what its content, could be called a literature. Well, in this life, in purpose or not in purpose, they have involved in a literature.
By using their mind they produced an expression of their feeling, emotion and thought to communicate with others. And this result of literature is called a literary work. Literary work consists of two types, namely imaginative and non-imaginative. Both literary works are basically the same, that is both are expressed aesthetically, but they have a different in expression. Imaginative type is commonly using connotative sentence to express an idea, while non-imaginative type is more realistic than the imaginative one. It uses denotative sentence.
skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0009

skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0009

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Kode : BING0009

Judul : skripsi bahasa inggris – kode BING0009
the influence of the ability in mastering dialogue on the achievement in learning English to the second year students at MAN X

Daftar Isi :

Sekilas Isi :
In avoiding the readers' misunderstanding, the writer would like to give the limitation of the title It is of course that in giving the limitation of the title is not at wholly. From the thesis entitled ‘ The Influence of the Ability in Mastering Dialogue on the Achievement in Learning English to the Second Year Students at MAN X ‘, the writer just wants to explain some terms related to the title. Especially those are becoming key words. They are : Influence, Ability, Mastering Dialogue, Achievement, Learning English, and MAN X.
Influence : It is a non countable noun. It means power to affect sb’s character, beliefs, or actions through example, fear, admiration, etc. According to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk in his dictionary entitled 'Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English' N.Edn., the word Influence means the power to have an effect on someone or something without the-use of direct force or command . In this thesis the influence shows the relation between the ability in mastering dialogue and the achievement in learning English.

The Ability in Mastering Dialogue :
Ability (noun) means power to perform ; skill, to achieve; capability for carrying out; capacity to device retain, or make use of; physical or moral strength; talents or gifts; in a special or general degree; wealth, means And also according to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk, the word 'ability' (C/U noun) means the fact of having the skill, power or other qualities that are needed to do something . Mastering is a gerund form of master or to master (to inf.) Master (v) means to learn thoroughly or gain a lot of skill in . Dialogue (noun) means (a) written conversation in a book or play . According to A S Hornsby, dialogue means (writing in the form of a) conversation or talk.
In this thesis ‘the ability in mastering dialogue means, in the writer's opinion, the students' ability in mastering the English dialogues either in their text-books or in other books or even on their tests in the written form. The word students, as we have already mentioned above, refers to the second year students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) X.
daftar skripsi lengkap

daftar skripsi lengkap

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


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skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0008

skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0008

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Kode : BING0008

Judul : skripsi bahasa inggris – kode BING0008
teaching reading comprehension using communicative approach through songs and games to the eight year students of SMP X.

Daftar Isi :

TITLE, MOTTO AND DEDICATION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, TABLE OF CONTENTS, ABSTRACT, CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION, 1.1 Background of study, 1.2 The scope and limitation of the study, 1.3 The Statement of Problem, 1.4 The Purpose of Study, 1.5 The Significance of Study, CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE, 2.1 The Assumption underlining communicative approach, 2.2 The Assumption underlining communicative approach, 2.3 Communicative Approach steps, 2.4 Learning Achievement, 2.5 Learning Achieve Factors, 2.6 Some theoretical assumptions, CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODS, 3.1 Identification of variable, 3.2 Place and time of research, 3.2 Population and sample, 3.4 Techniques of data collection, 3.5 Techniques of data analysis, CHAPTER IV: RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS, A. Variable description, B. The conclusion on the interpretation, CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION, A. Conclusion, B. Suggestion, BIBLIOGRAPHY, APPENDIX.

Abstrak :
In learning Language of English for eight year students of SMP X. The writer can know of the capabilities of the students learning Reading Comprehension using Communicative Approach Through Songs And Games, and using some tests given to the students the writer could assumed that the result of research of the eight years of SMP X in year X, the score of the test between 90 to 100.
It can be concluded that on all average success range of learners can be given score mark (limit score).It is clear that communicative approach teaching, reading and practice communicative will develop the learners of interest of success in Learning, Reading Comprehension.
- It makes the teacher very dominant for a success the students. The key of success research of the achievement in teaching, reading comprehension using communicative approach through songs and games is successful, the writer write two points : It is better if the teacher use communicative approach through songs and games intensively in teaching reading comprehension.
- The teacher has to be able chose a method using communicative approach program will be as level as what the teacher will be reached.
- The teacher has to be able increase motivation of the students as maximally as possible and the teacher has to realize that high motivation will be increase attention of the students for study English especially reading comprehension.
Finally, the thesis only has given a little description about teaching reading Comprehension using communicative approach. And the writer suggest that this study be continued by other researches, specially thesis at Institute of Teaching Training And Education X
skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0007

skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0007

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Kode : BING0007

Judul : skripsi bahasa inggris – kode BING0007
effects of pre-questioning on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students at SMAN X in academic year X

Daftar Isi :
APPROVAL OF THE THESIS ADVISORY COMMITTEE, APPROVAL OF THE THESIS EXAMINING COMMITTEE, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, ABSTRACT, TABLE OF CONTENTS, LIST OF TABLES, LIST OF FIGURES, LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS, LIST OF APPENDICES, TABLE OF CONTENTS, CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION, 1.1. Background of the Study, 1.2. Problem of the Study, 1.3. Objective of the Study, 1.4. Assumption, 1.5. Hypothesis, 1.6. Delimitation of the Study, 1.7. Limitation of the Study, 1.8. Significance of the Study, 1.9. Clarification of the Key Terms, CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE, 2.1 The Essence of Reading, 2.2 Reading Comprehension, 2.3 Schemata Theory Background and Knowledge in Reading, 2.4 Cognitive Factors in Reading, 2.4.1 Perception, 2.4.2 Memory, 2.4.3 Attention, 2.4.4 Cognitive Style, 2.5 Reading as a Process of Predicting, 2.6 Some Factors that Influence Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement, 2.6.1 The Internal Factor, Motivation, Interest, 2.6.2 The External Factor, Reading Material, Teacher of Reading, 2.7 Questioning Strategies, 2.8 Pre-questioning, 2.9 Kinds of Pre-questioning, 2.10 Kinds of Questions in Reading Comprehension, 2.11 The Differences between Male and Female in Learning Attitudes and Reading Habit, 1.11.1 Learning attitudes, 1.11.2 Reading Habit, CHAPTER III. METHOD AND PROCEDURES, 3.1 Data, 3.1.1 The Data Needed, 3.1.2 Criteria for the Admissibility of the Data, 3.1.3 Data Collection and Data Processing Procedures, 3.2. Instrumentation, 3.2.1. Instrumentation Development, 3.2.2. Instrumentation Try out, 3.2.3. Instrumentation Validity, Construct validity, Content Validity, 3.2.4. Instrumentation Reliability, 3.3. Population and Sample, 3.3.1. Population, 3.3.2. Sample, 3.4. Research Methodology, 3.4.1. Research Method, 3.4.2. Variables of the Study, 3.4.3. Data Analysis Procedure, 3.5. Validity of the Study, CHAPTER IV RESULT OF THE STUDY, 4.1 Description of the Data, 4.2 Test of the Statistical Analysis Requirements, 4.2.1 Test of Normality and Homogeneity of Treatments (with pre-questioning and without pre-questioning), 4.2.2 Test of Normality and Homogeneity of Students’ Gender, 4.3 Result of the Data Analysis, 4.3.1 Testing hypothesis I, 4.3.2 Testing hypothesis II, 4.3.3 Testing hypothesis III, CHAPTER V DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, AND SUGGESTION, 5.1 Discussion, 5.2 Conclusion, 5.3 Suggestion, REFERENCES.

Abstrak :
This study were conducted to investigate the effect of Pre-questioning on the Reading Comprehension Achievement of the Second Grade Students at SMAN X, to investigate the effects of students’ gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students at SMAN X, and to investigate the effects of pre-questioning and students gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students at SMAN X. The forms of questions were in multiple choice and essay, multiple choice used for reading comprehension tests and essay used for Pre-questioning tests. There were sixty-eight of second grade students of IPS classes at SMAN X as the sample on this study.
The writer used factorial experimental method in this study. The data were processed and analyzed according to these steps: taking the data, coding, scoring, tabulating using SPSS version 13 and taking the conclusion based on the statistic result.
The result of this study shows that “the Pre-questioning has a significant effect on the students’ reading comprehension achievement”, “the students’ gender has no a significant effect on the students’ reading comprehension achievement”, and “there is no interaction effect between pre-questioning and students’ gender”.
In this study the experimental class (the treatment using pre-questioning) has a better ability in comprehend the text than control class. It can be seen from the mean score and the result of two way of ANOVA.
skripsi bahasa inggris |  kode BING0006

skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0006

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Kode : BING0006

Judul : skripsi bahasa inggris – kode BING0006
analisis makna implisit pada novel Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban karya J. K. Rowling dan terjemahannya

Daftar Isi :
ABSTRAK, ABSTRACT, KATA PENGANTAR, DAFTAR ISI, BAB I PENDAHULUAN, 1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah, 1.2 Identifikasi Masalah, 1.3 Tujuan Penelitian, 1.4 Kegunaan Penelitian, 1.5 Kerangka Pemikiran, 1.6 Metode Penelitian, 1.7 Lokasi dan Waktu Penelitian, BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA, 2.1 Makna, 2.1.1 Perubahan Makna, 2.1.2 Jenis Makna, 2.2 Makna Implisit, 2.2.1 Makna Referensial Implisit, Referen Persona, Referen Demonstratif, Referen Komparatif, 2.2.2 Makna Organisasional Implisit, Kata Substitusi, Kalimat Elipsis, Kalimat Pasif, 2.2.3 Makna Situasional Implisit, Makna Situasional Implisit Akibat Faktor Budaya, Makna Situasional Implisit karena Gerakan Isyarat saat Ujaran, Makna Situasional Implisit yang Disebabkan Waktu dan Tempat Terjadinya Komunikasi, Makna Situasional Implisit Akibat Hubungan Penutur dan Penanggap, 2.3 Penerjemahan, 2.3.1 Metode Penerjemahan, 2.3.2 Penerjemahan Makna Implisit, BAB III OBJEK PENELITIAN, BAB IV HASIL PENELITIAN DAN PEMBAHASAN, 4.1 Makna Referensial Implisit, 4.1.1 Referen Persona Implisit Diterjemahkan Secara Eksplisit, 4.1.2 Referen Persona Implisit Diterjemahkan Menjadi Referen Persona, 4.1.3 Referen Demonstratif Implisit Diterjemahkan Secara Eksplisit, 4.1.4 Referen Demonstratif Implisit Diterjemahkan Menjadi Referen Demonstratif, 4.1.5 Referen Komparatif Implisit Diterjemahkan Secara Eksplisit, 4.1.6 Referen Komparatif Implisit Diterjemahkan Menjadi Referen Komparatif, 4.2 Makna Organisasional Implisit 4.2.1 Kalimat Elipsis Diterjemahkan Secara Eksplisit, 4.2.2 Kalimat Elipsis Diterjemahkan Menjadi Kalimat Elipsis, 4.2.3 Kalimat Pasif Diterjemahkan Secara Eksplisit, 4.2.4 Kalimat Pasif Diterjemahkan Menjadi Kalimat Pasif, 4.2.5 Kata Substitusi Diterjemahkan Secara Eksplisit, 4.2.6 Kata Substitusi Diterjemahkan Menjadi Kata Substitusi, 4.3 Makna Situasional Implisit, 4.3.1 Makna Situasional Implisit Akibat Faktor Budaya Diterjemahkan Menjadi Makna Situasional Akibat Faktor Budaya, 4.3.2 Makna Situasional Implisit Akibat Faktor Budaya Diterjemahkan Secara Eksplisit, 4.3.3 Makna Situasional Implisit karena Gerakan Isyarat saat Ujaran Diterjemahkan Menjadi Makna Situasional karena Gerakan Isyarat saat Ujaran, 4.3.4 Makna Situasional Implisit yang Disebabkan Waktu dan Tempat Komunikasi Diterjemahkan Menjadi Makna Situasional yang Disebabkan Waktu dan Tempat Komunikasi, 4.3.5 Makna Situasional Implisit yang Disebabkan Waktu dan Tempat Komunikasi Diterjemahkan Secara Ekplisit, 4.3.6 Makna Situasional Implisit Akibat Hubungan Penutur dan Penanggap Diterjemahkan Menjadi Makna Situasional Akibat Hubungan Penutur dan Penanggap, BAB V SIMPULAN, SYNOPSIS, DAFTAR PUSTAKA, LAMPIRAN, BIODATA.

Abstrak :
This thesis is entitled Analisis Makna Implisit pada Novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Karya J. K. Rowling dan Terjemahannya. The objects of the analyses are sentences containing implicit meanings in the novel previously mentioned. The sentences with implicit meanings are taken as data, and analyzed using descriptive and comparative methods. The novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is written by J. K. Rowling and translated into Indonesian by Listiana Srisanti entitled Harry Potter dan Tawanan Azkaban.
The purpose of this research is to study the translation of implicit meanings from the source language into the target language. The results of this research show that (1) an implicit meaning should be explicitly translated if the system of the target language requires it, on the other hand (2) an implicit meaning can be explicitly translated if the system of the target language allows it and the last is (3) an implicit meaning should be explicitly translated if the meaning causes ambiguity or vagueness in the target language.
skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0005

skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0005

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Kode : BING0005

Judul : skripsi bahasa inggris – kode BING0005
a study of the characterization of the main characters of Danielle Steel’s A Special Delivery

Daftar Isi :
THE TITLE OF THESIS, MOTTO AND DEDICATION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, TABLE OF CONTENTS, ABSTRACT, CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION, 1.1 Background of study, 1.2 Scope And Limitation of the Study, 1.3 Statement of the Problem , 1.4 The Objectives of the Study, 1.5 Significance of the Study, 1.6 The Definition of Key Terms of Research, 1.7 The Organization of The Study, CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE, 2.1. Character, 2.2. Characterization, 2.3. Novel, 2.4. Analytical Approach, CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD, 3.1. Research Design, 3.2. Object of the Study, 3.3. Instrument, 3.4. Data Source, 3.5. Data Collection, 3.6. Data Analysis, CHAPTER IV : LITERARY ANALYSIS, 4.1. Character, 4.2. Characterization, CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION, 5.1. Conclusion, 5.2. Suggestion, BIBLIOGRAPHY, APPENDIX 1, APPENDIX 2.

Abstrak :
This study is chosen because the writer is interested in studying literature. By reading literary work automatically we can develop our knowledge and science. And we can arrange the words that are chosen by thee author. Beside that, the writer also can get the author’s feeling or experiences from the object of the study in “A Special Delivery” by Danielle Steel. After reading and studying this novel through the way of play based on the characters characterization of the story.
The writer conducted a study concerning the characterization of the main characters. To support the study, the writer reviewed reverences materials such as books and some literary theories .
This study the writer will analyze the characterization of the main character of Danielle Steel “A Special Delivery” by using structural analytical approach. The data were analyzed descriptive and objectively. The procedures of the research were selecting the materials or sources, which were selecting the materials or sources which were suitable with the problems and the purpose of the study, reading and the materials or sources many times. Composing the theories that will be used the analyzes, deciding the problems list and chronological discussion, a studying the novel, Analyzing the novel based on the novel research problems and the theory references, and concluding the of the analysis result.
In analyzing, the writer found out that the main characters were Jack Watson and Amanda Robins. Jack was fifty-nine years old. He was handsome, rich, generous intelligent, nice and fun man. Jack Watson was also fun guy, sexy and adorable. Amanda Robin is physical appearance : in her fifty she was beautiful, skin, pale, rich, interesting, sexy and fresh. She had blue eyes. Jack Watson and Amanda Robbins almost had the same personality, Jack and Amanda were also discipline, neat, romantic, and understand each other. Jack and Amanda were not highly educated, but high and modern class life. Jack and Amanda had a good relationship with their children Gladdie, and the people surrounding them. Because the story told about problem solving, love, family, relationship and the luxury of life in the city.
The writer does hope that the readers get some information and interested in reading a literary such as novel. For the teacher, who makes people educated, the writer hopes that literary works can be taught deeply, Because it is important and interesting. The writer also hopes that the students should be careful to decide some problems. Life must enjoyed happily and carefully without sadness and sorrow.
skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0004

skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0004

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Kode : BING0004

Judul : skripsi bahasa inggris – kode BING0004
an error analysis on the use of simple past tense among the ninth year students of SMPN X

Daftar Isi :
TITLE, MOTTO AND DEDICATION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, TABLE OF CONTENTS, ABSTRACT, APPENDIX, CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION, 1.1 Background of study, 1.2 Statement of Problem, 1.3 Objective of the of Study, 1.4 Limitation of the study, 1.5 Significance of study, 1.6 Definition of key terms, CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE, 2.1 Errors and Mistakes, 2.2 Errors Analysis, 2.2.1 The Role of Error Analysis in Language Teaching and Learning, 2.1.2 Categories of Errors in Error Analysis, 2.3 English Simple Past Tense, CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD, 3.1 Research Design, 3.2 Place and Time of Research, 3.2.1 Place of Research, 3.2.2 Time of Research, 3.3 Population and Sample, 3.3.1 Population, 3.3.2 Sample, 3.4 Instruments of Research, 3.5 Technique of Data Collecting, 3.6 Data Analysis, CHAPTER IV : ANALYSIS OF DATA, 4.1 Result of Qualitative Analysis, 4.1.1 Data from the Interview, 4.1.2. Classifying the Error, Errors of Omission, Errors of Addition, Errors of Misformation, 4.2 Results of Quantitative Analysis, 4.3 Discussion, CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION, 5.1 Conclusion, 5.2 Suggestion, BIBLIOGRAPHY.

Abstrak :
English as an International language has an important role to develop science and technologies. The states of the problems are. (1) What analysis is to be described on the use simple past tense among students of the ninth year SMPN X? (2) What analysis is to be described on the frequency occurrence of the errors made among the students of the ninth year students of SMPN X on the use simple past tense? In trying to analyze the students’ language, the research will be focused on the aspect of An Error Analysis on the Use of simple past tense among them.
The objectives of this study are (1) to identify and classify the errors of the ninth year students of a SMP Negeri X in using simple past tense, (2) to describe the frequency occurrence of the errors. The instrument used was a test on English simple past tense for Junior High school level.
The population of the study was the ninth year students of SMP Negeri X, which consisted of three classes. However, samples were used as the researcher could not cope with the whole population. The samples consisted of 50 students.
Students errors identified in this study were categories into three types, namely, errors of omission errors addition and errors misformation. The result of the analysis shows that there were in all, 1234 errors among 50 students.
The types of errors among the students in constructing and using English simple past tense consisted of 68 (5%) errors of omission, 95 (8%) errors of addition and 1071 (87%) errors of miss formation. From the highest to the lowest, the errors were : miss formation, addition, and omission.
The result of farther analysis shows that the students seemingly have problems in each category omission, addition and miss formation. Thus, the students were often found to make errors in using those patterns high.
The average number of errors made of all the students was 46%. From the percentage, it can be conclude that the students’ mastery in using English simple past tense was poor.
It is hoped that the finding of the present study will be useful for the teaching of English, especially the teaching of English simple past tense.
skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0003

skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0003

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Kode : BING0003

Judul : skripsi bahasa inggris – kode BING0003
an analysis of the main character’s hatred depicted in Sandra Brown’s novel Where There’s Smoke

Abstrak :

This is the result of An Analysis of the Main Characters’ Hatred Depicted in Sandra Brown’s Novel, “Where There’s Smoke”. This analysis shows that Jody hates Lara because she knows Lara is the woman who makes her son’s carrier, Clark, in political down. Jody also hates her son, Key, because Key is the same as her husband who always makes love adventure to all women whom he like, so it is makes her hate Key so much.
Lara’s hatred to her husband occurred as her husband is the cause of their daughter’s death. Her husband is too ambitious to be a hero for his country, America.

Daftar Isi :
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, ABSTRACT, TABLE OF CONTENTS, CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION, 1.1 General Remarks, 1.2 Reasons for Choosing the Topic, 1.3 Purposes of the Analysis, 1.4 Scope of the Analysis, 1.5 Method of the Analysis, CHAPTER II : BIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHORESS AND HER LITERARY WORKS, 2.1 Biography of the Authoress, 2.2 Her Literary Works, CHAPTER III : SUMMARY AND CHARACTERS OF THE NOVEL, 3.1 Summary of the Novel, 3.2 Characters of the Novel, CHAPTER IV : AN ANALYSIS OF THE CAUSE OF THE PROTAGONIST’S SUFFERING DEPICTED IN THE NOVEL, 4.1 Jodi’s Hated to Lara, 4.2 Jodi’s Hated to Key, 4.3 Lara’s Hated to her Husband, CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS, 5.1 Conclusion, 5.2 Suggestions, BIBLIOGRAPHY.

Sekilas Isi :
2.1 Her Biography
Sandra Brown was born in Waco, Texas. When she was five years old, her family relocated to Ft. Worth, where she spent her childhood. Reading was a hobby encouraged by her parents. English was an easy choice for a major when she entered Texas Christian University.
Sandra Brown is the authoress of more than 50 “New York Times “best sellers”. She began her writing career in 1981 and since then has published 65 novels. There are seventy million copies of her books in print worldwide and her works have been translated into thirty languages.
In 1968, she got married to Michael Brown, a former television anchorman who produced the award wining documentary film “Dust to Dust“. They lived in Ft. worth, Texas. Then, she continued her education at Oklahoma State University and the University of Texas at Arlington.
Before embarking on her writing carrier, she worked as a model at the Dallas Apparel Mart, and in television, including weather casting for WFAA-TV in Dallas and feature reporting on the national syndicated program “PM Magazine”. Taking the advice of a published writer who had appeared on Michael Brown’s morning TV talk show, Sandra attended a writers’ conference at the University of Houston where she met authors, literary agents, and publishers. Inspired by the ideas exchanged at the conference, she tried her hand at writing for the lucrative romance market. She sold her first two books within thirteen days of each other. “Love’s Encore” and ”Love Beyond Reason” where published in 1981.
skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0002

skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0002

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Kode : BING0002

Judul : skripsi bahasa inggris – kode BING0002
a study on teaching English using games to the ninth year students of SMPN X

Daftar Isi :

TITLE, TABLE OF CONTENTS, ABSTRACT, CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION, 1.1 Background of the Problem, 1.2 Problem of the Study, 1.3 Purpose of the Research, 1.4 Significance of the study, 1.5 Limitation of the study, 1.6 Definition of Key Term, CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE, 2.1 Speaking, 2.2. Definition Game, 2.3 The Role of Game in Language Program, 2.4 The Role of Teacher, 2.5 Some Techniques are giving in Using Games, 2.6 Some Points of Practical, 2.7 Kinds of Game, CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODS, 3.1 Research Design, 3.2 Location and Time of Research, 3.3 Sample, 3.4 Instrument, 3.4.1 Questionnaire, 3.4.2 Observation, 3.4.3 Interview, 3.5 The Techniques of the Data Collecting, 3.6 The Technique of Data Analysis, 3.7 The Technique of Teaching.

Abstrak :
As developing country, Indonesia really needs English and government is trying to improve all aspect which usually faced by all countries. One of those aspects is education, which is essential. The writer as an English teacher to be, has to focus attention to the teaching English as international language.
There are four skills in learning English, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Among those speaking is difficult to master.
Teaching Speaking can be done through games. Kind of games which introduced are Domino Instruction, Sweet reason, What do I need?, and Dream sequences.
The use of Domino Instruction are the first player begins by choosing a card marked (*) and laying it on the table giving an instruction, for example, first, fill the kettle. If player 2 has the picture card showing the next player does not have the next card in the sequence, the turn passes to player 3. If player 2 lays down the wrong card (stage 3 or 4, instead the stage 2). He/she may be challenged by the player with the real stage2. Player 2 must then back his/her card and the turn passes to the player with the real stage 2.
The use of Sweet Reason are Player 1 chooses C card from the cards he/she holds and reads it out, for example I lit the fire … Any other players can complete the sentence with suitable R card for example… because it was cold.
The use of what do I need? Are place the card faced down in a pale on the table. Send one person out of the room. Take the top card off the pile and look at it. Ask the students to return. He/she must guess what activity is pictured on the card by asking what things are useful or necessary for that activity. The other player must answer his/her question.
The use of dream sequences are the first player chooses any card and lays it down on the table, describing the first event in the dream, for example, I found my self in a garden with huge flowers.
The result of the study of teaching speaking using games were the students got chance to use oral language, by doing the games the students feel relaxed, free and confident in learning English in the classroom. The arising problems during the activities are situation in the classroom was very noisy and crowded. The students’ pronunciation and structure was poor. But the writer could overcome well.
skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0001

skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0001

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Kode : BING0001

Judul : skripsi bahasa inggris – kode BING0001
a comparative study between English and Indonesia adverbs

Abstrak :

This study is an attempt to compare the English and Indonesian adverbs for the purpose of teaching English to Indonesian students. It is expected to help the teachers of English in detecting the learners’ area of difficulties and in solving the problems with a more effective way, and to enable the learners to predict the trouble spots that will be faced while learning English.
The main problems to solve are : (a) how many kinds of the English and Indonesian adverbs? , (B) Are the kinds of the English and Indonesian adverbs the same or not?, (c) What are the roles of the process of the English and Indonesian adverbs formation?, (d) are the rules of the process the same or not ?, (f) Is there similarity between English and Indonesian adverbs? , (g) In what aspects are they different ? , (j) Where is the position of the English and Indonesian adverbs in sentences?
The population of this study is all base and derived adverbs and new forms used in English and Indonesian novels : (a) The Big Kill, by Mickey Spillane and (b) Sejuta Pintu Cintaku, by Motinggo Busye.
Using the following instruments collects the data of this study : (a) literature study and (b) documentation-identification, making list and classification.
The collected data are then verified and analyzed. The analyze steps are : (a) breaking down the components of the derived or new forms, (b) finding the relation of the components, (c) Knowing the process of adverbs formation, (d) analyzing the similarities and differences of the kind, formation, and the position of the English and Indonesian adverbs.
Based on the data analysis and the hypothesis testing, the results are : (a) There are eight kinds of English adverbs “The Big Kill” : adverbs of manner, adverbs of place and direction, adverbs of time, adverbs expressing degrees of certainty, adverbs of frequency, adverbs of duration, adverbs of degree, and adverbs of particles, (There are fourteen kinds of Indonesian adverbs used in the novel “Sejuta Pintu Cintaku” : kata keterangan kualitatif, kata keterangan tempat, kata keterangan waktu, kata keterangan modalitas, kata keterangan aspek, kata keterangan derajat, kata keterangan instrumental, komitatif, konsensif, kausal, konsekuentif, tujuan, komparatif and perwatasan, (c) English adverbs can be formed by the rules as follows : (c.1) use of base adverbs, (c.2) affixation process with patterns : stem + DS, noun + suffixes, DP + stem, (c.3) irregular process, (c.4) adverbs in comparison, (c.5) compounding (c.6) combination with the pattern : preposition + noun/phrase, modifier-head, and head- modifier, and (c.7) use of particles, (d) Indonesian adverbs can be formed with the rules as follows : (d.1) the use of base adverbs, (d.2) affixation process with the patterns : stem + DS, afiks se-nya + stem, afiks se-nya + reduplication, (d.3) reduplication, (d.4) combinations with the patterns : preposition + noun/phrase, preposition + personal pronoun, Head-Modifier, (d.5) use of conjunctions/function words, (e) the English adverbs can be placed in : the mid position such as adverbs expressing degrees of certainty, adverbs of frequency, adverbs of degree, adverbs of particles, and adverbs of duration, and some of them can be placed in final/end position such as adverbs of manner, adverbs of time, adverbs of place, and adverbs of frequency, (f) the Indonesian adverbs can be placed in (f.1) Initial/beginning position, such as kata keterangan waktu, modalitas, and perlawanan, (f.2) mid posisition, such as kata keterangan derajad, kata keterangan kausal, akibat/konsekutif, final, komparatif, and kata keterangan perwatasan, (f.3) End/final posisition, such as kata keterangan kulitatif, tempat, instrumental, komitatif.
From the result above, the writer draws conclusion that there are some similarities and differences between English and Indonesian adverbs, as follows : (a) the similarities on the kind : adverbs of manner = kata keterangan kualitatif, adverbs of place = kata keterangan tempat, adverbs of time = kata keterangan waktu, adverbs of frequency = kata keterangan aspek (frequentatif and habituatif), adverbs expressing degrees of certainty = kata keterangan modalitas (kepastian and kesangsian), and adverbs of degree is same as kata keterangan derajat/kuantitatif ; (b) the similarities on the formation are in the uses of : (b.1) base adverbs (adverbs of time and kata keterangan waktu, adverbs of frequency – kata keterangan aspek (frequentatif and hebituatif), adverbs of degree – kata keterangan derajat; (c) the similarities on the position between the English and the Indonesian adverbs are as follows : (c.1) in initial position : adverbs of time = kata keterangan waktu, adverbs of frequency = kata keterangan aspek (frequentatif and hebituatif), (c.2) in the mid position : adverbs expressing degrees certainty = kata keterangan modalitas (kepastian and kesangsian), adverbs of degree = kata keterangan derajad, adverbs of frequency = kata keterangan aspek (frequentatif and habitutif), (c.3) in the final or and position : adverbs of manner = kata keterangan kualitatif, adverbs of place and direction = kata keterangan tempat, and adverbs of time – kata keterangan waktu, (d) the differences on the kind between the English and Indonesian adverbs are describes as follows : (d.1) English has adverbs of time (indefinite time), adverbs of duration, adverbs of particles, but Indonesian does not, (d.2) Indonesian has : kata keterangan modalitas (pengakuan, larangan, kondisional, keheranan), kata keterangan instrumental, kata keterangan komitatif, konsensif, kausal, konsekutif/akibat, final, kompratif, and perwatasan, while the English does not ; (e) the differences on the formation are seen in the uses of : (e.1) some processes English has but Indonesian does not : affixation process with the patterns : stem + DS for adverbs of manner, place, time, noun + suffixes for adverbs of manner, place, time, noun + suffixes for adverbs of manner, and DP + noun/adjective for adverbs of manner and adverbs of place, irregular process for adverbs of manner, adverbs in comparison (adverbs of manner), compound (adverbs of place), combination with the pattern Modifier-Head, (adverbs of time) and use of particles (adverbs of particles), (e.2) some processes Indonesian has but English does not : (e.2.1) affixation process with the patterns : afiks se-nya + stem (kata keterangan kualitatif, kata keterangan modalitas) afik se-nya + reduplication (kata keterangan waktu), (e.2.2) combination with the patterns : preposition + adjective (kata keterangan kualitatif), preposition + noun phrase (kata keterangan kualitatif), preposition + noun phrase (kata keterangan kualitatif, kata leterangan instumental), preposition + demonstrative pronoun (kata keterangan tempat), preposition + personal pronoun (kata keterangan komitatif), (e.2.3) use of conjunctions/function words for : kata keterangan perlawanan, sebab, akibat, final/tujuan, comparatif, and perwatasan (e.2.4) use of base adverbs (kata keterangan modalitas) ; (f) the differences on the position are described in two parts : (f.1) some types of English adverbs have these positions, but Indonesian adverbs do not : mid position (adverbs of manner, place, and duration), and the end/final position (adverbs of frequency), (f.2) some of Indonesian adverbs are placed in these position, but some of English adverbs do not : (f.2.) beginning/initial position : kata keterangan kualitaif, tempat, modalitas, derajad, konsesif, and kausal, (f.2.2) mid position : kata keterangan : konsesif, kausal, kondekutif, final/tujuan, comparatif, and perwatasan, (f.2.3) end position : kata keterangan instrumental, komitatif.
Finally, the writer would like to suggest to the learning English writers that the English teaching materials on the formation of adverbs should be : (1) based on the comparison of English and Indonesian adverbs – formation; (2) put in the first order for them that have some differences with Indonesian, and the next order for them that have some differences with Indonesian process, (3) done correctly in order to avoid the misinterference of the two languages.
skripsi pendidikan biologi | Kode : PBIO0001

skripsi pendidikan biologi | Kode : PBIO0001

Sunday, May 24, 2009 0
Judul : skripsi hubungan hasil belajar pada materi virus dengan sikap terhadap kesehatan siswa kelas 1 SMU Negeri X kabupaten X semester I tahun pelajaran X

Kode : PBIO0001

Daftar Isi :
Latar Belakang Masalah
Rumusan Masalah
Pembatasan Masalah
Definisi Operasional
Tujuan Penelitian
Kegunaan Penelitian

Tinjauan Pustaka
Hasil Belajar
Pengertian Belajar
Pengertian Hasil Belajar
Faktor–faktor yang Mempengaruhi Hasil Belajar
Materi Tentang Virus
Sikap Terhadap Kesehatan
Pengertian Sikap
Struktur Sikap
Pembentukan dan Perubahan Sikap
Cara Mengukur Sikap
Fungsi Sikap
Penelitian yang Relevan

Metode Penelitian
Tempat dan Waktu Penelitian
Populasi dan Sampel
Instrumen Penelitian
Prosedur Penelitian
Teknik Analisis Data

Gambaran Umum Lokasi Penelitian
Deskripsi Data



Sekilas Isi :
Para ahli pendidikan telah banyak yang mencoba untuk merumuskan tafsiran tentang belajar, yang sudah tentu rumusan dan tafsiran tentang belajar tersebut akan berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya, tergantung dari sudut pandang para ahli itu dalam menafsirkan tentang belajar. Gagne dalam Ratna Wilis Dahar, (1989:11) mengemukakan bahwa belajar dapat didefinisikan sebagai suatu proses dimana suatu organisme berubah perilakunya sebagai akibat pengalaman. Slameto (1995:2) memberikan definisi belajar sebagai suatu usaha yang dilakukan individu untuk memperoleh suatu perubahan tingkah laku secara keseluruhan, sebagai hasil pengalaman individu itu sendiri dalam interaksi dengan lingkungannya. Mohamad Uzer Usman (1992:1) mengatakan bahwa belajar merupakan proses perubahan tingkah laku yang ditandai dengan adanya perubahan pada diri seseorang akibat interaksi individu dengan lingkungannya. Perilaku itu mengandung arti yang luas mencakup pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap dan aspek-aspek lain yang ada pada individu yang sedang belajar.
Dengan demikian belajar menuntut suatu perubahan tingkah laku yang terjadi dalam diri siswa. Siswa yang tadinya tidak tahu menjadi tahu dan yang tidak mengerti menjadi mengerti tentang sikap dan nilai-nilai pengetahuan akibat proses pengajaran tersebut.
Dari definisi yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli pendidikan di atas, maka jelaslah bahwa belajar adalah suatu usaha agar terjadi perubahan tingkah laku berkat latihan dan pengalaman serta interaksi dengan lingkungan untuk mencapai tujuan edukatif.

a.Pengertian Hasil Belajar
Hasil belajar yang dicapai oleh siswa sangat erat kaitannya dengan rumusan tujuan instruksional yang direncanakan oleh guru sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengetahui keberhasilan belajar siswa dapat dilakukan dengan mengukur seberapa jauh Tujuan Pembelajaran Khusus (TPK) yang telah dicapai siswa. TPK ini merupakan rumusan kemampuan yang diharapkan dimiliki siswa sebagai hasil belajar setelah mengikuti proses belajar mengajar. Untuk mengetahui pencapaian TPK dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan tes setelah selesai proses belajar mengajar. Hasil tes belajar ini dapat merupakan umpan balik terhadap pencapaian tujuan.
Nasution (1982:25) memberikan definisi hasil belajar sebagai suatu perubahan pada individu yang belajar. Perubahan ini tidak hanya mengenai pengetahuan saja tetapi juga membentuk kecakapan, sikap, pengertian, penguasaan dan penghargaan dalam diri individu yang belajar. Menurut Witherington dalam Conny Semiawan (1987:18) perubahan tingkah laku sebagai hasil belajar meliputi perubahan keterampilan, kebiasaan, sikap, pengetahuan, pemahaman dan apresiasi.
Menurut Nana Sudjana (1990:22) pada dasarnya hasil belajar adalah kemampuan-kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh siswa setelah menerima pengalaman belajar.
Dari beberapa pernyataan di atas dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa hasil belajar selalu berkaitan dengan perubahan perilaku dalam pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan setelah menjalani proses belajar atau pengalaman belajar. Hal ini sesuai dengan klasifikasi hasil belajar menurut Benyamin Bloom dalam Nana Sudjana, (1991:23) yang meliputi tiga domain atau tiga ranah yaitu ranah kognitif, ranah afektif dan ranah psikomotor. Dari ketiga ranah hasil belajar tersebut, ranah kognitif biasanya yang paling banyak dinilai oleh para guru di sekolah karena berkaitan dengan kemampuan siswa dalam menguasai isi bahan pengajaran yang sesuai dengan tujuan proses pengajaran yang ditentukan sebelumnya. Domain kognitif ini merupakan domain atau ranah yang paling mudah untuk dinilai. Bloom membagi ranah kognitif menjadi: