skripsi bahasa inggris | kode BING0005

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Kode : BING0005

Judul : skripsi bahasa inggris – kode BING0005
a study of the characterization of the main characters of Danielle Steel’s A Special Delivery

Daftar Isi :
THE TITLE OF THESIS, MOTTO AND DEDICATION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, TABLE OF CONTENTS, ABSTRACT, CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION, 1.1 Background of study, 1.2 Scope And Limitation of the Study, 1.3 Statement of the Problem , 1.4 The Objectives of the Study, 1.5 Significance of the Study, 1.6 The Definition of Key Terms of Research, 1.7 The Organization of The Study, CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE, 2.1. Character, 2.2. Characterization, 2.3. Novel, 2.4. Analytical Approach, CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD, 3.1. Research Design, 3.2. Object of the Study, 3.3. Instrument, 3.4. Data Source, 3.5. Data Collection, 3.6. Data Analysis, CHAPTER IV : LITERARY ANALYSIS, 4.1. Character, 4.2. Characterization, CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION, 5.1. Conclusion, 5.2. Suggestion, BIBLIOGRAPHY, APPENDIX 1, APPENDIX 2.

Abstrak :
This study is chosen because the writer is interested in studying literature. By reading literary work automatically we can develop our knowledge and science. And we can arrange the words that are chosen by thee author. Beside that, the writer also can get the author’s feeling or experiences from the object of the study in “A Special Delivery” by Danielle Steel. After reading and studying this novel through the way of play based on the characters characterization of the story.
The writer conducted a study concerning the characterization of the main characters. To support the study, the writer reviewed reverences materials such as books and some literary theories .
This study the writer will analyze the characterization of the main character of Danielle Steel “A Special Delivery” by using structural analytical approach. The data were analyzed descriptive and objectively. The procedures of the research were selecting the materials or sources, which were selecting the materials or sources which were suitable with the problems and the purpose of the study, reading and the materials or sources many times. Composing the theories that will be used the analyzes, deciding the problems list and chronological discussion, a studying the novel, Analyzing the novel based on the novel research problems and the theory references, and concluding the of the analysis result.
In analyzing, the writer found out that the main characters were Jack Watson and Amanda Robins. Jack was fifty-nine years old. He was handsome, rich, generous intelligent, nice and fun man. Jack Watson was also fun guy, sexy and adorable. Amanda Robin is physical appearance : in her fifty she was beautiful, skin, pale, rich, interesting, sexy and fresh. She had blue eyes. Jack Watson and Amanda Robbins almost had the same personality, Jack and Amanda were also discipline, neat, romantic, and understand each other. Jack and Amanda were not highly educated, but high and modern class life. Jack and Amanda had a good relationship with their children Gladdie, and the people surrounding them. Because the story told about problem solving, love, family, relationship and the luxury of life in the city.
The writer does hope that the readers get some information and interested in reading a literary such as novel. For the teacher, who makes people educated, the writer hopes that literary works can be taught deeply, Because it is important and interesting. The writer also hopes that the students should be careful to decide some problems. Life must enjoyed happily and carefully without sadness and sorrow.

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